Monday, May 28, 2012

Securities Trading with Standard Chartered Bank

Just submitted my saving account application to Standard Chartered Bank because I have decided to open a securities account with them. The commission charge is 0.2% with no minimum commission which I think is very good for a small trader like me. Good news for my "gross margin"!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Taking The 1st Step

I opened my first trading account in 2010. I was then 21 years old. I remember vividly the first trading that I made. I guess my newspaper reading habit helps me to decide the first stock for me to invest in. I was looking for good fundamental stock which will grow in value in the future and I read an article in the newspaper that talks about ageing population. Thus I decided to invest in one of the healthcare stock.

I chanced upon Thomson Medical stock and thought that this company is a leading healthcare provider for woman and children and thus I decided to invest in it.

The first trade was quite a struggle when I was deciding whether to enter the market. A lot of "What ifs" appeared in my mind before I click on the "BUY". What if I lose all my money? What if the market crash? But then I convinced myself that the capital amount that I put in is an amount of money that I can afford to lose. If I want to learn how to invest, I have to take this important first step. So I clicked on the "BUY" and my investing learning journey continues till today.

I guess I was lucky then. I bought Thomson Medical at a price of $0.830/share. Within 3 months, Peter Lim announced that he will acquire majority stake in Thomson Medical at a price of $1.75/share and I sold my share, making a return of 111%. I was so elated then. But the subsequent investment that I made wasn't that lucky though and up till today, I am at my breakeven point.

I am enjoying the process of investing. Learning and gaining experience from every profit or loss that I made. I have pick up some books to read to improve my financial knowledge so that I can fine tuned my investing strategies.

I decided to start this blog so that I can record every bits and pieces of my investing journey. I will be sharing information and views on stock that is under my watchlist and some personal views of the world issues.